Simone Somekh is a New York-based author, journalist and content producer. Born and raised in Turin, Italy, he's lived in the United States, Israel and Italy. Simone currently works for Centrical, an industry-leading software provider for enterprise contact centers. He specializes in content marketing and brand communications for B2B SaaS start-up companies, and has previously taught in the Department of Speech and Communication at Touro University in New York.
Simone’s work has been published in The Associated Press, Tablet Magazine, The Forward, Vanity Fair Italy, Corriere della Sera, New York Transatlantic, Wired Italy, and the Jerusalem Post. He holds an M.A. in Journalism and European & Mediterranean Studies from New York University and a B.A. in Communications and Political Science from Bar-Ilan University.
His debut novel, Grandangolo (Wide-Angle), first published in Italy by Giuntina in 2017, has been published in French by Mercure de France, German by Haymon Verlag, and Russian by Knizhniki. Simone is a recipient of the prestigious Viareggio Prize.
Simone is an advocate for people affected by Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). He serves as a communications committee member for the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA).